The emergence of 21st-century leadership reveals a new psychological dimension that goes beyond the simple thirst for power, which is relatively easy to recognize and understand. What we are witnessing in the last few decades, especially since the 2020s, is a leadership driven by a technocratic, elitist ideology—a mentality that openly displays disdain for citizens, civil liberties, and dissenting opinions.

This ideology is entrenched within executive structures that champion vague and self-serving concepts such as stakeholder capitalism and public-private partnerships on a global scale. For years, we have seen the rise of a new breed of technocratic intellectuals who genuinely believe themselves to be superior to the common man. It's fair to look back at history and see similar patterns, but the intensity and arrogance of these current leaders is almost palpable. They seem disturbingly excited by their perceived superiority, a mentality that is both alarming and revealing. However, this also presents an opportunity, as more people are awakening to this reality.

Take, for example, the recent arrest in Ireland of a Christian teacher who opposed the promotion of transgender ideology in his school. He stood against its introduction, not through illegal actions or by endangering anyone, but simply by expressing his beliefs and defending his students from what he saw as the irreversible effects of certain policies. For this, he was imprisoned—not for breaking the law, damaging property, or causing public disruption, but simply for standing up against an ideology and expressing a dissenting view. This is totalitarianism in full display in a country that calls itself a democracy.

It's staggering to watch this unfold in real-time, and even more so to see police officers enforce such orders—actions that, by any reasonable standard, cannot be considered legal. This case is just one example among many that we witness almost daily in the West. Meanwhile, illegal immigrants who commit violent crimes, such as knife attacks, are released by the police, while citizens who post their frustrations online are forcibly arrested in their homes by special police units. This is the reality we are currently living through.

There is an urgent task for those of us who recognize how fragile freedom, liberty, civil rights, and human rights truly are. We must convey the message that what we have called democracy has effectively died; we find ourselves in a totalitarian state where the very institutions that were supposed to protect us from such tyranny have utterly failed. We cannot fight back against this totalitarian reality within the framework of these compromised institutions. Too many people who are "awake" rather than "woke" still argue as if we can resist this totalitarian state from within, using the old paradigms, but we cannot.

To move forward, we need a new strategy that acknowledges the collapse of our historic democratic institutions and seeks to build new forms of resistance outside the failed systems that no longer serve us.