Working to safeguard democratic governance and human rights.

21st century think tank and non-establishment advocacy.

1. 'We the People' Must Unite Globally

Our reformation begins with unity, bringing together citizens worldwide under the banner of individual sovereignty and shared human values. United, we form a formidable global force to counter the antidemocratic globalist coup d'état.

Advocating for amending Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to elevate individual sovereignty within the definition of human rights. Human beings must be recognized as the highest unit of value under God. This change ensures institutions serve humanity, not the other way around.

3. The Fourth Citizen Branch

Representing 'We the People,' our innovative approach expands the broken separation of powers to include a Fourth Citizen Branch. This helps to recalibrate the balance of power and to reinstate the crucial democratic principle of government by the consent of the governed.

We're reforming by embracing subsidiarity, pushing decision-making authority to the most local level possible. Problems and opportunities need to be addressed in the field, not behind a technocrat's desk. This empowerment results in a more responsive, robust, and decentralized governance system.

5. Reviving Enlightenment Values

At the core of our vision is the revival of Enlightenment values: reason, individualism, and empiricism. These values promote pluralism, fostering open debate, adaptability, and tolerance of diverse perspectives. It champions human curiosity, our driving force for collective progress, by encouraging inquiry and embracing varied viewpoints.

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